Kai Bodensiek
Lawyer BvM Berlin
Kai Bodensiek is a partner at the Berlin office of Brehm & von Moers. He advises national as well as international companies in all matters pertaining to IT, Internet and Media Law. A major focus of his activity lies in advising companies in the Games and mobile content industries.
He thereby provides comprehensive advice in the drafting and negotiation of software development contracts, software licensing and IT project agreements. This also involves the drafting of general terms and licensing conditions as well as games development agreements, application service provider contracts (“ASP“) or software-as-a-service contracts (“SaaS“). Due to technical and legal developments, Kai Bodensiek has been increasingly advising companies in the areas of mobile commerce, data protection and consumer protection.
Kai Bodensiek is a regular speaker at various events in the games and IT industries. He is, moreover, often a popular guest lecturer at the Games Academy and the Academy of Media Design in the area of game production and design.
Kai Bodensiek has been Senior Legal Counsel of the GAME Bundesverband der deutschen Games-Branche e.V. (“GAME Federal Association of the German Games Industry”) and assisted in the merger with BIU e.V. into the "game Verband der deutschen Games-Branche e.V." ("game") and is now the chairman of the internal arbitration institute of merged association.
Admitted to the Bar: 2005
Member of the Video Game Bar Association
Member of game Verband der deutschen Games-Branche e.V.
Member of Media:Net Berlin-Brandenburg
- Co-author of "Virtual Trade - Money and Games" in Kommunikation und Recht (KuR) 2004, 432 ff
- "Zukunft der Spiele-Finanzierung" (The Future of Games Financing) in the magazine
- Making Games (IDG-Verlag), Issue 03/2009, P. 54 ff.
- Co-author "Bewerbung von Online-Computerspielen in nicht lizenzierten Territorien" (Application of Online Computer Games in non-licensed Territories) in Kommunikation & Recht (K&R), 1/2010, P. 16ff
- Co-Author "Fünf Regeln für Investoren-Gespräche" (Five Rules when talking to Investors) in the magazine "Making Games“ (IDG-Verlag), issue 01/2010, P. 60f
- "Vertragsstrafen in Spieleentwicklungsverträgen" (Contractual Penalties in Games Development Contracts) magazine article published in "Making Games“ (IDG-Verlag), issue 05/2012, P. 60 f.
- "Crowdfunding - Alles Easy, oder Was?" (Crowd funding - Easy or Not?) article in the magazine "Making Games“ (IDG-Verlag), issue 01/2013, P. 44 f.
- „Correct Crowd funding“ Interview in the magazine “Digital Production“ (ATEC Verlag), issue 4/2014, P. 108f.
- "Rechtliche Einordnung des Crowdfundings in Deutschland" (Legal Classification of Crowdfunding in Germany), Revue Générale du Droite on line, 2015, numéro 19672
- "Comment on German Federal Court of Justice Case No. VI ZR 134/15" in of E-Commerce Law Reports volume 16 issue 3, http://www.e-comlaw.com/e-commerce-law-reports/article_template.asp?Contents=Yes&from=eclr&ID=1105
- Co-author "LG Karlsruhe: Purchase of virtual Ingame Currency - Waiver of the Cancellation Right" - comment on the case LG Karsruhe 18 O 7/16 in GRUR-Prax 2016, 423
- Co-author "Livestreams von Gaming Video Content als Rundfunk?" (Livestreams of Video Game Content as broadcasting service), in Multimedia und Recht (MMR - Multimedia and Law) 2018, 136
- "Hakenkreuz Debatte: Die USK ist die Lösung" ("Debate on Swastikas in Gaming Content and self regulation as a solution"), article on Gameswirtschaft.de, 04.06.2018