Dr. Matthias Grundmann
Lawyer BvM Munich
Dr. Matthias Grundmann provides comprehensive consultation in media and entertainment law, both on a national and an international level. The focus of his activity is in the areas film, television, music, internet and e-business. Among his clients are international producers, directors and musicians, including Oscar and Grammy award winners but also global online platforms. Due to his close cooperation with US lawyers, an extensive network in the non-legal area and as a specialist in negotiation management, Dr. Grundmann can give comprehensive advice on conflicts of interest.
Dr. Grundmann studied at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. During his legal clerkship he concerned himself in depth with negotiation management and trained as a business mediator (MuCDR). He regularly gives lectures at Erich-Pommer-Institute (EPI). In his spare time, Dr. Grundmann enjoys reading screenplays and interviewing personalities from the film business (i.a. Joshua Oppenheimer, Robert Pattinson, Dane DeHaan, Tom Tykwer, Anton Corbijn).
Admitted to the Bar: 2011
German, English
Dr. Matthias Grundman is a trained business mediator (MuCDR).
Regular lecurer at Erich-Pommer-Institut (EPI).